Sustainability Management of Toyo Seikan Group

Management Philosophy of Toyo Seikan Group

Management Policy We will constantly create new and innovative values, aspire to achieve a sustainable society and contribute to people’s happiness.

We will honor dignity and always strive to be fair and unbiased in every way.
All of us will fully demonstrate our own strengths and expertise, and contribute to social prosperity while we grow and thrive as an individual, a corporation or a group.

We will aim to become a group that can provide unique and innovative technologies and products that meet global expectations.

Management Policy We will constantly create new and innovative values, aspire to achieve a sustainable society and contribute to people’s happiness.

We will honor dignity and always strive to be fair and unbiased in every way.
All of us will fully demonstrate our own strengths and expertise, and contribute to social prosperity while we grow and thrive as an individual, a corporation or a group.

We will aim to become the Group which can provide unique and innovative technologies and products that will meet global expectations.

Toyo Seikan Group Sustainability Charter

We will conduct our business activities in accordance with the Toyo Seikan Group Sustainability Charter to ensure the consistency between the sustainable development of society and our company's sustainable growth.

  • We will practice the management philosophy in pursuit of the establishment of a sustainable society.
  • We will work to improve value co-creation through dialog and collaboration with stakeholders.
  • We will identify material issues and strive to solve them in accordance with the Action Policy and the Code of Conduct.
  • We will carry out concerted business activities across the Group based on the spirit of this charter.

Click here for full text of the Toyo Seikan Group Sustainability Charter.

Co-Creating Value with Stakeholders

The Toyo Seikan Group exists through its stakeholders on the basis of their trust. Through dialogue and collaboration with customers who honor us by using our products and services, with suppliers, and with the local community, we endeavor to resolve social issues through our business. Furthermore, we can sharpen our competitive edge by supporting the diversity of our workforce, being an enjoyable place to work, and developing talent that leads to new value creation. In addition, in response to the increasing interest in ESG investments, we actively engage in dialogue with shareholders and investors.

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Stakeholders Providing value to stakeholders Curiosity and interest Engagement examples (FY2023)
Customers We provide safe and reliable products, systems, and services that earn the trust of our customers.
  • Providing reliable and safe products and services
  • Building long-term relationships of trust
  • Sales and marketing activities
  • Joining exhibitions/holding Collaboration Fair
  • Innovation Gallery at the Head Office building
  • Information disclosure on websites
Business partners We always conduct our business activity with fairness and transparency, founded on high ethical standards.
  • Building fair business relationships
  • Smooth communication to share information for better partnerships
  • Supply chain sustainability
  • Procurement activities
  • Suppliersʼ self-assessment regarding Toyo Seikan Group CSR Guidelines for Suppliers and their feedback(1,022 responses from 1,253 suppliers)
Shareholders and investors While working to raise corporate value, we make sure to practice suitable information management and disclosure.
  • Reflecting viewpoints of shareholders and investors in management
  • Appropriate disclosure of information
  • Gaining understanding and support for our operations and management policies
  • General Meeting of Shareholders (annual)
  • Financial results briefing (semiannual)
  • Investor relations tools (integrated report, etc.)
  • Information disclosure on websites
  • Individual meetings with institutional investors and financial analysts (115 meetings)
Employees We create safe and hygienic workplaces brimming with energy.
  • Building an inclusive workplace that is supportive to all
  • Advancing occupational health and safety
  • Initiatives related to health promotion management and diversity development; Fourteen Group companies certified as “Excellent Corporations in Health Management 2024”
  • Information sharing through the Group portal
  • Internal newsletters
  • Employee satisfaction surveys
  • Personnel evaluation systems and career development meetings
Local communities Aspiring for co-creation with local communities, we place great importance on communication exchange at the local level.
  • Sharing benefits with local communities
  • Fulfilling responsibilities as corporate citizens
  • Disaster reconstruction support activities
  • Environmental protection activities
  • On-site classes provided by our employees for students of elementary and junior and senior high schools (6,165 students from 74 schools)
  • Next generation fostering activities (donation of fostering funds, etc.)
  • Admitted for off-site learning at the Museum of Package Culture (512 people at 25 schools)
Global environment We engage in proactive initiatives to preserve and make qualitative improvements to the local environment.
  • Providing products and services that contribute to the preservation of the Earthʼs environment
  • Reducing environmental impact in business activities
  • Periodic disclosure of information on environmental impact (integrated report,website, etc.)
  • Business activities in line with Eco Action Plan 2030 to contribute to environmental protection
  • Efforts to achieve a horizontal recycling system for metal cans
  • Development and supply of Open Up! Products & Services

Co-creation of value with stakeholders

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Engagement results Future value creation strategy

Collaboration Fair 2023

A private show was held at Tokyo Midtown Hall on November 8–10, 2023, attended by 2,000 visitors from 380 companies over three days. Through seminars by developers from individual companies and product exhibits from 10 companies within the Toyo Seikan Group, propositions were put forward on what value can be supplied by the Group to address customer issues.
We will continue to hold the Collaboration Fair on a regular basis and strengthen our relationships with customers as co-creation partners.
Business partners

Conducting self-assessments on CSR guidelines

As a communications tool for realizing a sustainable society along with the Group, we asked suppliers to join the Group in conducting a self-assessment of our Toyo Seikan Group CSR Guidelines for Suppliers and expanded the scope to operating companies. The exercise had a response rate of 72.2% among companies receiving a request in FY2023.
With the intent of enhancing communications, we expanded the set of suppliers to cover in the future. Self-assessment response rates
Shareholders and investors

IR and SR engagement activity

Through IR and SR interviews, we received numerous opinions on capital efficiency and shareholder returns policy.
After reflecting valuable opinions in management strategy, we are providing better value. IR/SR meetings
Local communities

Educational support initiatives

Educational support is provided on careers and the environment. In FY2023, a total of 74 visiting classes were offered to 6,165 students from the Group.
As a result of the increased requests for visiting classes at each Group company, we are providing support for educational materials and sending instructors.
Toyo Seikan Group Holdings is using the Internal Side Job System, in which two people have chosen to work as lecturers for visiting classes (October 2023 to March 2024).

Sustainability Promotion Framework of Toyo Seikan Group

In April 2022, we established the Sustainability Department, which has responsibility for internal and external communication and public relations in addition to environmental and CSR issues. As a key organization for implementing corporate strategies, the new department will drive group-wide sustainability initiatives to ensure the continuity and development of society and our business.

We also established the Group Sustainability Committee for sustainability management in operations across the Group. The committee, chaired by the president of Toyo Seikan Group Holdings and attended by presidents of major group companies, meets forth a year in principle. The issues discussed by the committee are reported to the Management Strategy Meeting and the Executive Management Meeting, as appropriate, to be reflected in our corporate strategies. The committee’s activities are also immediately reported to the Board of Directors to be supervised by the board.

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd.

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