The Future, Wrapped for All

The future that Toyo Seikan Group aims for.
Adapting to the changing times and individual lifestyles,
we will continue to be by people's side.

Go on a journey for three minutes.
Our Impact

Open Up!
Products and

Open Up! Products and Services

At Toyo Seikan Group, through our 'monozukuri' (Japanese concept of manufacturing, or the art, science and craft of making things) that has been cultivated in our journey with various stakeholders for over a century, we are creating products that support diverse lifestyles and products that are considerate of the environment. We will introduce products that utilize various technologies.

All Open Up!

Toyo Seikan Group at a glance

“Daily living platform” for people all over the world to live safe, secure and fulfilling lives.

The manufacturing capability of Toyo Seikan Group is composed of technological development abilities, HR and organizational abilities, and supply management abilities. This is our strength. We utilize the technology and knowledge cultivated over more than a hundred years to provide products that support people in various scenes.


Understand the Toyo Seikan Group through Numbers

Metal cans/ PET bottles

Top in the industry

arket shares of metal cans


Market shares of PET bottles


* Including preforms

Food/beverage paper containers

Top in the industry

Market shares


Number of production bases

79in Japan


Toyo Seikan Group at a glance

Metal cans/ PET bottles

Top market shares in Japan

Market shares of metal cans

Approx. 35%

Market shares of PET bottles

Approx. 30%

Food/beverage paper containers

Top market shares in Japan

Market shares

Approx. 60%

Number of production bases

77in Japan

