Coexistence with the Community:
Social Contribution Activities

Toyo Seikan Group Social Contribution Activities Policy

Our management philosophy is, "We will constantly create new and innovative value, aspire to achieve a sustainable society, and contribute to peopleʼs happiness." Based on this, Toyo Seikan Group engages in business activities and also strives to address social and regional issues as a good corporate citizen.

1. Basic Perspective

    • We actively engage in activities that leverage the characteristics of the group to achieve the continuous development of society.
    • We will understand the social contexts of local communities in which our group company operates and fully respect their cultures, customs, and religious beliefs.

2. Priority Areas

    • Harmonious coexistence with local communities
      We aim for sustainable coexistence with local communities, including the areas surrounding our business sites.
    • Development of the next generation
      We support the development of the next generation, which will contribute to the progress of society.
    • Environmental conservation
      We engage in environmental conservation activities in accordance with the Toyo Seikan Group Environmental Policy.

3. Support for voluntary activities of employees

We support all employees of Toyo Seikan Group in actively paying attention to social issues, constantly learning and innovating, and participating in activities that contribute to society by involving various people.

4. Collaboration with all stakeholders

We value collaboration with diverse stakeholders, such as local communities, NGOs, NPOs, and government agencies, and we actively communicate and collaborate with them.

5. Proactive disclosure

We disclose our activities on our website and other platforms to deepen the trust of our stakeholders and strive for continuous improvement in our activities.

Promotion Structure

We are discussing the direction of group activities and making decisions on the implementation of cross-functional activities at the Human Rights and DE&I Subcommittee.

* The table can be scrolled left or right.

Activities of Harmonious Coexistence with Local Communities

Cooperation with Local Governments at Emergency

Nippon Tokan Package has signed disaster relief agreements with the local governments stated below for providing corrugated cardboard products for people at evacuation sites to alleviate their suffering during disasters such as earthquakes and floods. These products include cardboard beds and partitions. As a member of the communities in which we operate, we will do our best to support them by utilizing our expertise and experiences in the event of an emergency.

  • The table can be scrolled left or right.
Signed date Region / Name of agreement
July 2019 Sakura City, Tochigi
Agreement on provision of emergency supplies and other relief services in disasters
June 2020 Soka City, Saitama
Agreement on provision of cardboard beds and other emergency supplies in disasters
July 2020 Anjo City, Aichi
Agreement on accommodation of facilities in disasters / Agreement on provision of cardboard products and other emergency supplies in disasters
July 2020 Taiwa-cho, Miyagi
Agreement on provision of emergency supplies in disasters

The Komaki Plant of Tokan Kogyo installed a solar power system in December 2020. The system, combining solar power generation and rechargeable batteries, is a self-sustaining, decentralized energy facility that can enhance disaster preparedness of the region while reducing carbon footprint. Even when the power grid shuts down, electricity will remain available with the combination of solar cells and batteries. The plant has also signed a disaster relief agreement with Komaki City for the use of its canteen as a temporary shelter for residents in the area in the event of a major disaster.

TOMATEC has cooperated with the local community in which its head office and Osaka Plant are located for the area’s disaster preparedness, setting up a signboard on a building near the site entrance to indicate the flooded water level in the event of a flood of the nearby river. The water level is estimated to be as high as 3 meters at the point. The signboard, which people will often see in their everyday life, is expected to raise their awareness of preparedness. The company also conducts earthquake and tsunami evacuation drills on a regular basis to confirm contingency procedures and evacuation routes.

Aid for Disaster-Hit Areas

The Group is engaged in support activities to aid relief and recovery efforts in areas struck by severe natural disasters. In fiscal 2020, we made a donation of 10 million yen through the Japanese Red Cross Society to relief efforts for the victims of the July 2020 torrential rains and floods on Kyushu island of Japan.

Major disaster relief donations

  • The table can be scrolled left or right.
Year Disaster Amount donated Recipient
2023 Support for Turkey-Syria Earthquake Response Group total 23 million yen Japanese Red Cross Society
2022 Support for Ukraine and neighboring countries 10 million yen Japan Association for the World Food Programme
2020 July 2020 Kyushu Floods 10 million yen Japanese Red Cross Society
2019 Typhoon Hagibis (No. 19 in 2019) 10 million yen Japanese Red Cross Society
2018 July 2018 Western Japan Torrential Rain 10 million yen Japanese Red Cross Society
2016 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake 10 million yen
Donation of containers
  • 700 thousand paper cups for beverage
  • 350 thousand paper bowls for food
  • 12 thousand emergency toilet bags
Japanese Red Cross Society
13 municipalities with more than 1,000 evacuees that asked for paper containers

Activities for FY2023

Summer Vacation Event for Elementary School Students

The Museum of Packaging Culture, operated by Toyo Seikan Group, has been holding summer vacation events for elementary school students every year since 2012. The purpose of this events is to help children understand the charm of everyday containers we use and to provide an opportunity to think about the importance of sustainability through the containers that would otherwise become waste.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the events were cancelled, but they resumed in 2023 after a four-year hiatus. The event was held on August 8th (Tue.) and 9th (Wed.), and included workshops and environmental classrooms with the theme of "Marine Debris and Plastics." A total of 271 people attended over the two days.
In 2024, the 10th summer vacation event was held on August 7th (Wed.) and 8th (Thu.). A total of 314 people attended over the two days, and it was filled with the joyful voices of children.

Blood Donation Campaign

The Toyo Seikan Group has been engaged in blood donation to contribute to local communities and society. In cooperation with the Japanese Red Cross Society, its group companies regularly conduct blood donation activities, in which employees participate at their workplace during working hours.

Despite the growing need for blood transfusion due to the aging population, the number of blood donors is decreasing year by year and young people’s contribution is strongly needed more than ever. Periodic blood donation at corporations is therefore an effective way for wider generations, including younger people, to cooperate in solving this issue.

In order to help secure a stable blood supply, we implemented the donation campaign during fiscal 2021 while taking preventive measures against COVID-19. Group companies in Thailand also conducted their regular blood donation campaigns in cooperation with the Thai Red Cross Society. We will continue with our commitment to social responsibility through blood donation both in Japan and abroad.

Participation in TABLE FOR TWO

The Toyo Seikan Group has been participating in the TABLE FOR TWO initiative since February 2018 at the employee cafeteria in our headquarters building. When purchasing healthy menu items, a portion of 20 yen is donated to support school meals in developing countries. The cumulative donation amount from the start of the program until March 2024 has reached 477,910 yen. As part of our employee communication efforts, we also have panel displays in the cafeteria.
Furthermore, at the TABLE FOR TWO Awards 2023, our "Local Specialty Menu in the Area where Group Companies are Located" received the Menu & Drink Category Grand Prize. This award recognizes our efforts to provide local specialty menus from the locations of our group companies, fostering a sense of connection among our group companies and aiming for better operations.

Donation Activities for Disaster Preparedness Supplies

TOMATEC's headquarters, Osaka factory, and Komaki factory are equipped with disaster preparedness supplies to ensure readiness for large-scale disasters such as the Nankai Trough earthquake. We proactively replace food and beverage items with sufficient expiration dates and regularly make donations to organizations such as food banks. This approach has been well received by various groups as it contributes to a robust consumption cycle while reducing food waste.

Activities of Development of the Next Generation

Activities for FY2023

Educational Support Programs

We offer educational support programs such as “Environmental Education for Elementary School Students,” “Career Education for Middle and High school Students,” and “Field Trips to the Museum of Packaging Culture.” In these on-site classes, we incorporate active learning and use ”packaging” as a topic to help the next generation of children think about the future. In addition to our regular programs, we also accommodate lesson requests related to SDGs initiatives.

In fiscal 2023, we conducted these classes at a total of 74 schools for 6,165 students. We accepted 512 students from 25 schools for field trips to the Museum of Packaging Culture.

Assisting with Private Sector Training for Teachers

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings actively cooperated with the "Corporate Training for Teachers" organized by the Keizai Koho Center (Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs) a general incorporated foundation, on July 24th and 25th, 2024, continuing from the previous year. A total of 20 teachers from elementary and junior high schools, dispatched by Nerima Ward Board of Education participated in the training held at our headquarters and Toyo Seikan Saitama Plant. The purpose of this training is to deepen participants' understanding of corporate thinking, practical work, personnel development, environmental initiatives, and social responsibilities through various training and experiences in private enterprises. We expect not only to convey this knowledge to children but also to apply it to future school management.
We plan to continue actively cooperating in teacher training and community contribution activities in the future.

Ffactory Tours for International Students.

At Toyo Seikan, we welcomed 13 factory tour participants from Toyo Food Industries Junior College's short-term study abroad program. We greeted them with flags representing their respective countries and made efforts to provide explanations about the factory using English materials, ensuring an enjoyable and informative tour for the students.
Moving forward, we will continue to strive for hospitality that will be appreciated by our international customers as well.

Support for Next-Generation Development Activities

Toyo Kohan has been making donations every year since 2009 to Kudamatsu City, where the Kudamatsu plant is located, with the aim of supporting the development of the next generation.
In the 2023 fiscal year, the "Okada Tomoyuki Percussion Ensemble" organized by the Tokyo Music Appreciation Association was held at Starpiaa Kudamatsu. Approximately 1,500 elementary school students from Kudamatsu City were invited to attend and had a delightful time.
We will continue to provide opportunities for the children in the local community, who will be the next generation, to directly experience culture and the arts.

Sponsorship of Career Education in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward

Tokan Kogyo has sponsored the "Job Notebook for Elementary School Students," which is distributed as supplementary teaching material for career education in Shinagawa Ward. This booklet is planned and published by CHUCO Co., Ltd. as part of the career education initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
A total of 7,000 copies of the "Job Notebook for Elementary School Students" were issued, targeting 3rd and 4th-grade students in elementary schools located in Shinagawa Ward, where Tokan Kogyo's headquarters is situated. The booklet introduces our company's job roles, environmentally friendly products, and employee interviews through photographs and illustrations.
Through this educational material, we hope to broaden the dreams and goals of the students, as well as contribute to the enhancement of career education at each school.

Activities of Environmental Conservation

Activities for FY2024

"GOMI BATTLE" Event Held during Environmental Month

In line with the "Environmental Month" in June, the Toyo Seikan Group held the "GOMI BATTLE 2024" event as a fun and impactful initiative to contribute to the environment. This event was conducted as a competition among the business group units, where the participation rate of the number of participants from each group's total employees was measured. The event's participation status is made public through the litter-picking app "Pirika," which showcases the beautification activities of each group company.
In this edition, a total of 1,546 employees from the Toyo Seikan Group participated, securing a remarkable victory with a participation rate of 34%. The amount of litter collected during the GOMI BATTLE period amounted to 8,828 liters.
In the fiscal year 2025, we will continue to collaborate with local communities and partners to engage in activities that contribute to the environment.

Activities for FY2023

"Inter-Group Battle! Gomi Pick-up Battle 2023" Event Held in Conjunction with Environmental Month

In line with the "Environmental Month" in June, the Toyo Seikan Group held the "Inter-Group Battle! Gomi Pick-up Battle 2023" event as a fun and impactful initiative for the entire Toyo Seikan Group to contribute to the environment. This event involved calculating and competing the amount of litter collected by employees from each business unit during the designated period. The participation status of the event is made public through the litter-picking app "Pirika," which showcases the beautification activities of each group company.
In this edition, a total of 17 participating business units and 329 participants from the group took part, with the Mebius Packaging Co., Ltd. Izumisano Factory achieving a remarkable victory. The amount of litter collected during the 2023 fiscal year was 10,498 liters.
In the fiscal year 2024, we will continue to collaborate with local communities and partners to engage in activities that contribute to the environment.

Activities in Overseas

The operations of the Toyo Seikan Group are deeply intertwined with the lives of people in the local communities, making our role as community members a crucial aspect of our communication efforts. We strive to contribute to these communities by leveraging the unique features of each of our facilities and by understanding and respecting the social conditions, cultures, and customsof each country. Here, we present some of the social contribution activities we have undertaken abroad.

CSR-DIW Certification and Halal Certification Obtained at Overseas Locations

Crown Seal Public Co., Ltd. (Thailand) was awarded the CSR-DIW certification by the Ministry of Industry in 2023, recognizing their commitment to social contribution. Furthermore, in 2024, PT. INDONESIA CAPS AND CLOSURES (Indonesia) obtained Halal certification, which verifies the production and provision of products and services in compliance with Islamic law. This certification is also obtained by Crown Seal Public Co., Ltd. for their products intended for the Indonesian market.


Toyo Filling International Co., Ltd

  • Production of recycled bags using a fabric made by combining fibers from recycled PET bottles and water hyacinth
  • Donation of clothing, trousers, shoes, and recycled garments to schools
  • Donation of food, clothing, and daily necessities to child welfare protection centers
  • Planting 14,550 trees in the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate
  • Blood donation activities
A bag made by synthesizing recycled materials from used PET bottles and fibers from water hyacinth.

United States

Stolle Machinery Company, LLC

  • Participation in site and surrounding area cleanup activities on Earth Day
  • Donation of approximately $1,000 worth of toys to children in need


Stolle Machinery do Brasil Industria e Comercio Equipamentos Ltda.

  • Monthly donation of $360 to an organization aimed at providing meals for children to enrich their lives. Awarded by the same organization in December 2023.
  • Donation of used uniforms to a cooperative of female seamstresses for reuse in creating bags, backpacks, pencil cases, wallets, etc., contributing to environmental protection and generating income for women
  • Donation of milk and toys to children during milk campaigns and Christmas campaigns
  • Donation of food and other items to multiple organizations at the end of the year

United Kingdom

Stolle Europe Ltd.

  • Implementation of charity events

Stolle European Manufacturing Solutions Limited

  • Participation in charity walks
  • Organization of a charity golf event to support mental health charities
  • Participation in Macmillan Coffee Morning to support cancer support charities