Message from the President

For over 100 years since its founding in 1917, the Toyo Seikan Group has developed, and introduced to the market, packaging containers that bring out the characteristics of their component materials, such as metal, plastic, paper, and glass, in line with constantly changing lifestyles and society.
Under our management philosophy, established in April 2016, we continue to pursue growth and evolution for the next 100 years, taking advantage of our material development and processing technologies to help create a more fulfilling life for everyone and offer more environment-friendly systems to the world.
Our business environment has been changing beyond our expectations, revealing various social issues that must be addressed. The COVID-19 pandemic has also transformed the ways that people live and work. Under these circumstances, in May 2021, we launched the Long-Term Management Vision 2050 ("The Future, Wrapped for All"), our vision toward 2050 to think about society and the global environment from a long-term perspective, aiming to maximize the value we offer to all stakeholders. To realize this vision, we have set the Mid- to Long-Term Management Goals 2030, which are quantitative and qualitative management targets to achieve by 2030, and formulated the Mid-Term Management Plan 2025 as a five-year action plan starting in fiscal 2021 to meet the mid- to long-term goals. The Mid-Term Management Plan 2025 shows our approach to continuous development that allows us to be a "daily living platform," focusing on the following three key issues: seeking continuous growth in existing business domains; exploring, commercializing, and monetizing new growth opportunities; and enhancing the management foundation to support growth. In May 2023, we also launched the Capital Efficiency Initiative 2027 to increase returns on capital by pursuing both our growth strategy and capital and financial strategy. Implementing measures to optimize our business portfolio and improve capital efficiency, we seek to achieve business management that pays close attention to capital costs and stock prices.
With our expertise, we continue to serve all stakeholders to the best of our ability.
Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd.
President and Representative Director