Make use of digital technology to transform the value chain and expand business domains

The Toyo Seikan Group has created the Group Digital Vision 2030 to further develop its competitiveness by maximizing the use of the latest digital technology and data infrastructure in order to realize the long-term management vision for 2050: “The Future, Wrapped for All.” We recognize greater data utilization as a critical strategic theme, and we are striving to transform the company to contribute even more to society.

Message from the Officer in Charge of Digital Transformation

Kouki Ogasawara

Director and Executive Officer
General Affairs, Legal Affairs, IT and Group Information Management

In recent years, the rapid advancement of digital technology has greatly changed our society, lives, and values.

This profound shift will significantly impact the Toyo Seikan Group. While the effective utilization of digital technology will lead to opportunities, insufficient utilization could pose significant challenges to the company. Adapting to a future digitalized society and taking on new challenges is indeed a pressing matter. Throughout our history, our group has contributed to society and people’s happiness by creating diverse products and services that are useful in daily life, particularly packaging containers. Our strengths lie in the wealth of technology, expertise, data, and talented individuals cultivated through this process.

By leveraging digital technology, we must bolster these strengths. To achieve our Long-Term Management Vision 2050, “The Future, Wrapped for All,” we must embrace a digitalized society and take on new challenges.

Consequently, we have established the “Group Digital Vision 2030” for the Toyo Seikan Group in the digitalized society:

“The Toyo Seikan Group will utilize data and digital technology to develop products, services, and processes, in order to create new value and a prosperous future.”

Under this vision, we will consider the “advanced utilization of data” as an important theme in our management strategy. By empowering every employee to skillfully use digital technology and data infrastructure, we aim to improve work efficiency, job satisfaction, and work-life balance, and expand business opportunities.

Steps in the promotion of digital transformation (DX)

  • The figure can be scrolled left and right.

1. Transforming analog data to digital

Transform paper documents scattered among various locations and data recorded by hand into digital form, and organize and retrieve information with ease. In doing this, we will erect a platform that realizes uniform management of data and makes the use of information in later steps smoother. The accumulated digital data will become a vital source for making possible work operations that are speedier and more effective than in the past.

2. Digitalization of processes and systems

We plan to digitalize processes and systems. We will integrate the information collected through production activity into easy-to-use forms. This will then serve as the basis for promoting the improvement and reform of processes through data analysis. We will also solve problems by using digital technology in development work. Applying expertise and data gained through this process, we will develop new services and products that meet new market needs, with the aim of improving profitability and expanding our areas of operation at the same time.

3. Innovating decision-making

We are making efforts to innovate our approach to decision-making. To make better-informed decisions based on data, we are moving towards “data-driven decisionmaking.” Doing this will raise the level of our business analysis and enable us to design betterinformed strategies. By innovating our approach to decision-making with an eye on new business opportunities, we will strengthen our initiatives, directed at creating new value for the entire Group.

Although conditions vary across individual Group companies, we aim to realize DX for the entire Group through consistent execution for these three steps. The goal here is to drive organizational transformation and achieve sustainable growth heading toward the future through the active use of digital technology.