IR Policy

1.Basic Policy

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd. (the “Company”) fully understands that the timely and appropriate disclosure of corporate information to all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors and securities analysts (collectively, the “Investors”), forms the basis of a sound securities market. The Company will also issue corporate information in a timely, fair and accurate manner through active communications with the Investors with the aim of gaining their trust and appropriate evaluation of the Company.

2.Disclosure Standards

The Company shall disclose material information, including decisions and events likely to affect investment decisions and information about financial results, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations including the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as well as the rules on timely disclosure provided for by the stock exchanges where the Company is listed (the “Timely Disclosure Rules”). Further, the Company will proactively disclose to the Investors the information that may affect their investment decisions as well as the information that may be useful for promoting their understanding of the Company, even when such information is not required to be disclosed under applicable laws and regulations or the Timely Disclosure Rules.

3.Disclosure Method

The information that is subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules will be placed on the Company’s website immediately after its disclosure through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Based on the basic policy and disclosure standards hereof, the Company will endeavor to disclose to the Investors the information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules, in a timely, fair and accurate manner.

4.Earnings Forecast and Future Outlook

Forward-looking statements disclosed by the Company are based on the information available at the time of disclosure and certain assumptions deemed reasonable, and thus not intended to guarantee the future performance. The actual results may differ materially from those contained in the forward looking statements due to various factors.

5.Policy Regarding Dialogue with the Investors

  • The Company will appoint an officer in charge of investor relations (a Director or operating officer) to have dialogue with the Investors. The officer in charge of investor relations will participate in meetings with investors to the extent reasonable, while the Company’s IR division (Corporate Planning Dept. and General Affairs Dept.) will handle such meetings.
  • The officer in charge of investor relations will cooperate with internal divisions such as Corporate Planning, General Affairs, Accounting, Finance and Legal Departments to establish constructive dialogue.
  • The Company will hold individual IR meetings and regular financial briefings to facilitate dialogue with the Investors. IR Division will share with the management team, Board of Directors and concerned parties the comments and input from dialogue, and strive to incorporate them appropriately and effectively into business activities.
  • To prevent disclosing non-public material information only to specific Investors, the Company will ensure that personnel concerned with such information will thoroughly control information in accordance with the internal rules.

6.Quiet Period

In order to prevent leakage of earnings information prior to its official announcement and ensure fair disclosure, the Company defines a week prior to the announcement of quarterly financial results as the quiet period and refrains from making comments or responding to questions related with financial results and earnings forecast during the period. However, when the earnings forecast that has been announced is likely to be significantly revised during the quiet period, such information will be disclosed promptly in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.