Respect for Employees:Development of self-motivated talent (human resource development)

Coordinated Human Resource Development Across the Group

Toyo Seikan Group places great emphasis on developing its workforce through collaborative efforts within the Group. A Logical Thinking Training Program for younger workers, Managers Training Programs for newly appointed managers, and a Technical Leaders Program (TLP) for young leaders in technology using a Management of Technology (MoT) approach are held in the same form across the Group. These are being used to facilitate the exchange of personnel within the Group, to foster a Group-wide awareness that transcends individual companies, and to build human networks. To support employees pursuing individual educational paths, we pay full reimbursement of course fees for those completing classes over remote learning. In FY2023, there were a total of 2,938 applications across 16 Group companies. With the aim of bolstering language skills, we introduced a full reimbursement program for class fees related to the Test of English in International Communications (TOEIC).
In a program aimed at developing the Group’s next generation of leaders, we hold the Next-Generation Management Training Program for general managers and the Toyo Seikan Group Business College (TSGBC) for managers, with the goals of acquiring the knowledge needed for management and establishing the governing principles needed for being a leader. In the 10th term of TSGBC, 23 selected members from seven Group companies participated, forming five teams to explore themes and propose business solutions to address their respective company’s challenges under the theme “what needs to be done towards 2030.”

Group-wide common educational training framework

Group-wide internal training programs (FY2023)

  • The table can be scrolled left or right.
Category Program Study period / Number of participants Total number of participants Total training hours*
Programs for selected candidates Next-Gen. Management Training (10th) June 2023–Mar. 2024 15
(Male 14, Female 1)
TSGBC (10th) June 2023–June 2024 23
(Male 21, Female 2)
TLP (16th) July 2023–Feb. 2024 30
(Male 28, Female 2)
Programs for specific positions Senior Managers Training Programs 5 sessions over 2 nights and 3 days 40
(Male 39, Female 1)
Managers Training Programs 5 sessions over 2 nights and 3 days 68
(Male 64, Female 4)
Assistant Managers Training Programs 8 sessions over 3 days online 104
(Male 90, Female 14)
Logical Thinking Training 7 sessions over 3 days online 105
(Male 73, Female 32)
Total 385
(Male 329, Female 56)
  • Calculated at 1 day = 7.75 hours; rounded to nearest whole number

Internal Side Job System that Supports Employees’ Career Independence

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings introduced its internal side job system in June 2023. The aim is to increase their engagement through improvement of their skills and motivation, facilitated by mechanisms that allow employees to voluntarily engage in tasks from different departments, thereby fostering career autonomy.

Also, the departments receiving these employees anticipate benefits. For work where there is lacking expertise or manpower among existing members, the participation of new members provides an opportunity to gain new insights and sensitivities, thereby improving work efficiency. We look forward to the emergence of a new ideas and values stemming from this diversity.

Distance Learning System and Public Qualification Acquisition Incentive System

To support the growth of employees, the Toyo Seikan Group has adopted two systems:

Distance Learning System

Every year, we offer over 400 distance learning courses in skills, qualifications, and languages, allowing individuals to freely choose and participate in them. If the course is completed within the specified period, the entire course fee is reimbursed.

Public Qualification Acquisition Incentive System

The company fully covers the costs (course fees, examination fees, transportation expenses, etc.) associated with acquiring qualifications and licenses necessary for job responsibilities. Additionally, for certain challenging qualifications and licenses, we have established an internal system called the "Public Qualification Acquisition Incentive System," which provides not only cost coverage but also incentives in the form of cash rewards. We fully support individuals who are motivated to learn and grow.

Activities in Overseas

United Kingdom

Stolle Europe Ltd.

Stolle Europe Ltd. has implemented an apprenticeship program as part of its internal development program to cultivate a new generation of talent in the technical field and ensure business continuity for the future.

Stolle European Manufacturing Solutions Limited

Stolle European Manufacturing Solutions Limited recently organized an open day, inviting approximately 30 students to learn about the apprenticeship program. During the event, the students had the opportunity to visit various departments such as manufacturing, assembly, and processing, and hear directly from the team members working on the shop floor.

United States

Stolle Machinery Company, LLC

The Sydney assembly plant of Stolle Machinery Company, LLC, located in Ohio, participated in the Manufacturing Week held from October 6th to October 13th, 2023. Approximately 60 students from the Upper Valley Career Center's precision machining and electrical classes were invited. The students had the opportunity to interact with actual machinery and equipment and learn about careers in the manufacturing industry through discussions with the on-site team members. Through the Pre-Apprentice program, Stolle Machinery has partnered with the Upper Valley Career Center to provide students with collaborative learning opportunities for further development of skills and knowledge in a real manufacturing environment. Moving forward, efforts will be made to provide learning opportunities for students throughout the Miami Valley region.