Respect for Employees:Health Management

Toyo Seikan Group Health Management Declaration

We understand that employees’ health is one of our management issues. In September 2017 we released the Toyo Seikan Group Health Management Declaration for maintaining and enhancing the health of employees.

To realize its management policy of “We will constantly create new and innovative values, aspire to achieve a sustainable society and contribute to people’s happiness”, the Toyo Seikan Group hereby declares that it will proactively pursue the promotion of health management. We strongly believe that it is of utmost importance that our employees, who represent our most valuable asset, can maintain their physical and mental health, work with energy, and fully demonstrate their individual abilities.

The employees will endeavor to manage and improve their own health, while the company supports their health enhancement and creates a comfortable and pleasant work environment.

2024 Outstanding Enterprise in Health and Productivity Management

In March 2024, nine of the group companies (Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Toyo Seikan, Toyo Kohan, Tokan Kogyo, Nippon Closures, Toyo Glass, Mebius Packaging, Toyo Aerosol Industry and Nippon Tokan Package) were certified as outstanding organizations in health and productivity management in the large enterprise category of the Excellent Health and Productivity Management Corporation 2024 managed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

Meanwhile, five group companies, TOMATEC, Honshu Seikan, Nippon National Seikan, Ryukyu Seikan Kaisha and Tokan Takayama, were certified in the small and medium-sized enterprise category of the program.

The Group’s Health Management Promotion Framework

We implement key measures to maintain and improve employees’ health by driving health management under the supervision of the Group’s operating officer in charge of human resources, cooperating with the Human Resources Department, occupational health physicians, occupational health professionals, and health-andsafety managers.

We have built a framework to promote health management in order to implement the Group’s personnel policy. To promote health management, we hold management-level meetings to discuss the overall policy and progress of group health management. In the Group Health Management Promotion Meeting, we set common indicators and target values to make health management result-oriented, and we implement the PDCA cycle. We consider and decide on measures based on health check-ups and stress check results, and we promote them with the aim of becoming the desired state as a group.

Group-wide Health Management Strategy Map

In order to promote health management and address health issues that contribute to resolving management challenges, we are creating a Group-wide Health Management Strategy Map. By visualizing the story, we aim to enhance the effectiveness of our initiatives by translating them into specific actions for addressing the identified challenges.

* The table can be scrolled left or right.

The Group’s Common Health Management Indicators

We have been working on addressing the health issues of the group based on the "Health Management Survey" of Toyo Seikan Group Holdings and its six main subsidiary companies as the group’s common health management indicators. Starting from the fiscal year 2021, we have implemented a three-year plan to improve these issues. Specific initiatives include health promotion events, group analysis of stress check results, thorough follow-up on regular health examinations, investment in health-related services for subjects of specific health guidance, and an external counseling service. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to achieve our target for participants with an ideal body weight*, but we were able to achieve our goal for participants who smoke. Starting from the fiscal year 2024, we have set new group’s common health management indicators and will continue to work on improving health issues.

  • Individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index) between 18.5 and less than 25.

Three-year plan for FY 2024 (target completion year: FY 2026)

The group’s common health management indicators

  • Improvement of the presenteeism

    The decrease in the number of employees with reduced work efficiency due to health issues despite being present at work.
    Achievement target value: 85% or more
  • Improvement of the absenteeism

    Reduction in the number of employees on leave
    【Mental health】Achievement target value: 0.9% or less
    【Non-mental health】Achievement target value: 0.5% or less
  • Improvement of high stress rate

    Achievement target value: 10% or less (reduce from the previous fiscal year)
  • Improvement of general health risk

    Achievement target value: 100 or less (Reduce by 3 points for each company currently)

Three-year plan for FY 2021 (target completion year: FY 2023)

The Group’s Common Health Management Indicators

  • Increase the proportion of employees maintaining an ideal body weight to 70% or more to prevent the onset and severity of lifestyle diseases.
  • Increase the non-smoking rate compared to the previous year (Decrease the smoking rate compared to the previous year)

Evaluation of the Group’s Common Health Management Indicators

  • The table can be scrolled left or right.
Ratio of individuals maintaining ideal body weight (%) FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Toyo Seikan Group Holdings 67.3 70.5 64.4 69.6 66.8 66.7
Toyo Seikan 65.9 69.8 69.2 67.4 67.6 67.5
Toyo Kohan 63.1 68.5 68.4 67.6 67.7 67.5
Tokan Kogyo 62.7 62.0 61.9 62.0 60.9 61.5
Nippon Closures 62.7 50.0* 60.1 61.8 60.7 61.1
Mebius Packaging 66.8 66.0 64.2 64.8 65.3 63.9
TOYO GLASS 61.5 68.5* 61.9* 69.9 63.6 59.1
Smoking rate (%) FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Toyo Seikan Group Holdings 10.2 9.3 8.7 9.4 9.2 9.2
Toyo Seikan 35.5 34.5 31.9 30.3 30.6 31.3
Toyo Kohan 31.0 29.9 29.1 29.0 27.9 27.7
Tokan Kogyo 32.8 31.0 30.4 29.3 29.2 29.1
Nippon Closures 37.4 34.0* 40.0 36.4 31.2 33.9
Mebius Packaging 37.1 43.7 32.6 31.5 35.2 34.4
TOYO GLASS 40.0 40.0* 38.1* 34.7 33.6 33.8
  • Aggregate data for individuals aged 40 and above

Group Health Management Promotion Meeting

The Group Health Management Promotion Meeting used to be held twice a year until the fiscal year 2023. However, starting from the fiscal year 2024, it will be held once in the second half of the year, and separate conferences will be held for two companies in the first half. Through the conferences with the two companies, the progress of each company's promotion can be clarified, and efforts for health management that are conscious of results can be implemented.

Quit-Smoking Support at Our Group

Our group companies are actively implementing measures to prevent secondhand smoke and support our employees’ effort to quit smoking. These measures include the phased elimination of designated smoking areas within our facilities and subsidy program for smoking cessation outpatient services.

Every year, May 31st is recognized as World No Tobacco Day. We have designated this day as the Toyo Seikan Group's No Smoking Day as an opportunity to review and improve our lifestyle habits. In addition, we provide various information related to smoking through our intranet and internal newsletters.

Purposes of encouraging quit-smoking

  • Prevent health damage from secondhand smoke
  • Top priority on employee health

Quit-smoking Support

Group companies and several health insurance associations in the Group have taken measures to help employees quit smoking, including financial aid to use smoking cessation outpatient services, drugs to help stop smoking, and incentives for those who achieved quitting. These measures encourage smokers to increase their willingness to face the challenge.

Activities of Each Company

Activities for FY2023

Self-health Management Using Activity Trackers

As a major health initiative towards resolving health issues at Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, activity trackers have been distributed free of charge to interested individuals since 2018 to aid in self-health management. The number of members and event participation rates have been on the rise. However, the event participation rate for the fiscal year 2023 was 17.6% of all employees, indicating a tendency to limit participants. This is identified as a future challenge.

  • Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, no events were held in the fiscal year 2020.

"SPORTS YELL COMPANY 2024" and " Tokyo Sports Promotion Company " Certified

Toyo Seikan has been certified as a company actively promoting sports for the enhancement of employee health, receiving the "SPORTS YELL COMPANY 2024"*1 certification from the Japan Sports Agency and the "Tokyo Sports Promotion Company"*2 certification from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. This marks the fifth consecutive year of certification as a Sports Ale Company and the company has been recognized as "Bronze" for having received the certification five or more times. In the fiscal year 2017, Toyo Seikan established the "Declaration of Health Management" and made the enhancement of employee health maintenance a significant management priority. The company takes a management perspective on employee health management, strengthens collaboration with the health insurance association, and continuously verifies and reviews the effectiveness of initiatives such as addressing lifestyle diseases, promoting exercise habits, mental health activities, and smoking cessation. In the fiscal year 2023, Toyo Seikan implemented various initiatives, including health promotion programs using activity trackers and organizing step count events. Moving forward, Toyo Seikan will continue to strive for the resolution of various health issues and the enhancement of employee and family health maintenance.

  • The Japan Sports Agency certifies companies as "Sports Yell Companies" that actively promote sports activities for the enhancement of employee health and aim to foster social enthusiasm for sports among the working-age population.
  • The Tokyo Metropolitan Government annually certifies companies that promote initiatives to encourage employee sports activities and provide support in the field of sports as "Tokyo Sports Promotion Company."

"Sleep Well Seminar" Successfully Held

In January 2024, Tokan Kogyo Co., Ltd. held a "Sleep Well Seminar" as part of its self-care training program following stress checks. We invited an external lecturer, a certified sleep master from Nishikawa Co., Ltd. Japan Research Laboratory of Sleep Science, to speak about the mechanisms and importance of sleep. In a total of six seminars, 151 people participated at the venue, and we also provided archived video distribution for absentees and employees at other locations. Venue participants had the opportunity to experience measuring the height of their neck and head to select the optimal bedding, as well as choosing effective aromas for sleep.
The group analysis of stress check results revealed that as the quality of sleep deteriorates, the number of people experiencing some form of physical or mental symptoms increases. Sufficient sleep contributes to both physical and mental health, as well as improving work performance. Tokan Kogyo Co., Ltd. will continue to provide information on health-related matters and offer individual consultations with industrial doctors and nurses.

Implementation of Mental Health Training and Safety Training

At Tokan Kogyo Co., Ltd. Shizuoka Factory, an annual safety and hygiene training seminar is conducted for all employees working at the factory, and in the fiscal year 2023, a Mental Health Care Training and Safety Training were held on September 16.
The training was divided into three parts. In the first part, an external lecturer was invited to speak about "Fundamental Knowledge of Mental Health" and "Mental Health Measures in the Workplace. "The second part consisted of safety activity reports from internal safety managers and a lecture on fall prevention, which is a growing concern in occupational accidents. A total of 144 people participated in the first and second parts. The third part included a training session with an external lecturer, where 27 participants learned about first aid and the use of automated external defibrillators (AED) for individuals who have collapsed.
Tokan Kogyo Co., Ltd. will continue to promote safety and hygiene activities at its factory locations.

Implementation of Infection Prevention Training

At TOYO GLASS CO., LTD. Chiba Factory, an infection prevention training seminar focusing on Norovirus and other infectious diseases was conducted on August 24, 2023, with a lecturer from ARBOS Corporation. (a manufacturer of hand soap and disinfectants). The lecturer provided detailed explanations on proper handwashing techniques, types of viruses, and routes of transmission. We will make use of the knowledge gained from the training to prevent infections and maintain good health.

Implementation of Health Stretch Course

At TOMATEC, Health Stretch Course was hold as part of the health management activities for the fiscal year 2023. The company conducted stretches with different themes at a pace of once every three months, as follows:

  • 1. Walking improvement stretches for fall and lower back pain prevention
  • 2. Desk work fatigue improvement stretches
  • 3. Massage and anti-aging exercises for fingers and facial muscles
  • 4. Gentle muscle training for maintaining health (core + alpha training)

Participants were able to experience changes in their bodies even with just a 30-minute stretch, leading to an improvement in their health consciousness.

Setting Up Mental Health Awareness Week

Stolle Europe Ltd. in the UK designated May 13th to 19th, 2023 as Mental Health Awareness Week. During this week, various activities were conducted to support the mental health of employees, such as sharing contact information for organizations that provide mental health support within the company.

Implementation of the Mental Health Program "White January Campaign"

Stolle Machinery do Brasil Industria e Comercio Equipamentos Ltda. in Brazil implemented the "White January Campaign" with the aim of promoting the mental well-being of employees. Through a one-week program designed by psychologists, efforts were made to prevent anxiety, depression, and other stress-related issues. In the year 2023, a total of 51 employees participated in this campaign.