

Toyo Kohan’s All-Solid-State Battery Negative Electrode Current Collector Development Certified Under the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry’s Supply Assurance Plan for Batteries

Toyo Kohan Co., Ltd. (“Toyo Kohan”; President: Masahiro Kai), a consolidated subsidiary of Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd. (Tokyo 5901; President: Ichio Otsuka), has been certified as qualifying for the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry’s supply assurance plan for batteries. This certification, made on December 20, 2024, is based on the company’s efforts in developing all-solid-state battery* negative electrode current collectors at the company’s Kudamatsu Plant in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
Toyo Kohan aims to make the most of the government support available following the certification by investing in the future mass production of at least 3 GWh/year of batteries by the end of the 2027 fiscal year. The company will thus contribute to the widespread adoption of long-life, high-efficiency, all-solid-state batteries and the strengthening of the supply chain for battery component materials.

* In contrast to conventional batteries with liquid electrolytes, all-solid-state batteries have solid electrolytes and are composed entirely of solid materials. They are considered next-generation batteries due to their superior safety, minimal risk of leakage or fire, and greater durability and performance, which surpass those of conventional batteries.
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