

Toyo Seiken Group Holdings has been selected for the first time to become a constituent of the ESG investment index, the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index, and is one among the 78 companies chosen from Japan.

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd. (Tokyo 5901; President: Ichio Otsuka) has been selected for the first time as a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (“DJSI Asia Pacific”)—the regional version of the representative stock index for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (“DJSI”).

The DJSI is jointly developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM. It evaluates corporate activities from three aspects—environmental, social, and governance—and selects companies that demonstrate excellent sustainability in their operations as its constituents.

In 2024, the regional version of the DJSI Asia Pacific, which consists of approximately 159 major companies in the Asia–Pacific region, of which 78 companies are from Japan. This index analyzes nearly 600 leading companies in the Asia–Pacific region that are part of the DJSI and then chooses the top 20% of these companies based on their ESG metric performance as its constituents.

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