Corporate Governance Policy

Chapter 1: Corporate Governance Principles
Article 1 (Principles)
The Company regards that, under the management philosophy (i.e. the Management policy, Creed and Vision) of Toyo Seikan Group (the “Group”), the enhancement of corporate governance is one of the most important management issues to increase its corporate value and keep developing and evolving while contributing to the society through business activities. The Company will make a continuous effort to pursue this management goal.
Management Policy
We will constantly create new and innovative values, aspire to achieve a sustainable society and contribute to people’s happiness.
- We will honor dignity and always strive to be fair and unbiased in every way.
- All of us will fully demonstrate our own strengths and expertise, and contribute to social prosperity while we grow and thrive as an individual, a corporation or a group.
- We will aim to become the Group which can provide unique and innovative technologies and products that will meet global expectations.
Chapter 2: Corporate Governance System
Article 2 (Corporate Governance System of the Company)
- As the Company adopts an audit and supervisory board system, the Board of Directors shall determine the execution of important business matters and supervise Directors’ performance of their duties, while the Audit and Supervisory Board and its members, which are independent from the Board of Directors, shall monitor Directors’ business execution. In order to ensure the effectiveness of management monitoring and supervisory functions, the Board of Directors and the Audit and Supervisory Board shall appoint outside Directors and outside Audit and Supervisory Board Members, respectively, who are independent from the Company.
- The Company adopts an operating officer system in order to clearly distinguish the management decision-making and supervisory functions from the business execution functions.
Article 3 (Role of the Board of Directors)
- In order to allow the Company to continuously grow and increase its corporate value over the mid- to long-term, the Board of Directors shall determine the execution of important business matters for the Company and the Group, including management strategies and plans, and shall supervise Directors’ performance of their duties.
- The Board of Directors shall determine the execution of particularly important matters that are specified in laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation and the Board of Directors Rules.
- The President and operating officers, etc. shall be granted authority to make decisions on the execution of important business matters other than the items set forth in the previous clause and exercise their authority pursuant to the relevant rules of the Company, including through deliberation at the Executive Management Meeting or Management Strategy Meeting comprised of Directors and operating officers, etc.
Article 4 (Composition of the Board of Directors)
- The Board of Directors shall be comprised of members with the right mix of knowledge, experience and competence, regardless of gender, nationality or age. The number of Directors shall be no more than 15 including independent Outside Directors as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation.
- An “Independent Outside Director” shall be an Outside Director of the Company who meets the “Independence Criteria for Outside Directors and Auditors”, which are separately set by the Company.
Article 5 (Policy and Procedures for Appointing Senior Management and Directors)
The Company understands that candidates for director and senior management positions shall have a sufficient understanding of business environment to develop management strategies, the experience and competence to properly implement management strategies formulated by the Board of Directors, and the experience and expertise necessary for discussing the appropriateness of, and potential risks in, the management strategies from various perspectives. Based on these points and the conditions set forth in the preceding article, the candidates shall be nominated by the President of the Company and approved by the Board of Directors with appropriate involvement and advice of Independent Outside Directors through prior discussions at the Company’s Governance Committee, which consists of the President and Independent Outside Directors. The appointment and dismissal of senior management members shall be resolved by the Board of Directors with consideration of the evaluation of the Company's business performance and other factors, with appropriate involvement and advice of Independent Outside Directors through the Governance Committee.
Article 6 (Successors to Senior Management)
The Company shall develop successors to senior management, including the chief executive officer position, in a planned manner by conducting systematic management training programs for potential candidates and providing them with opportunities to participate in key management projects.
Article 7 (Evaluation of the Board of Directors' Effectiveness)
The Board of Directors shall analyze and assess its own effectiveness through several methods, including the hearing of opinions of individual Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board Members concerning the Board as a whole, and shall disclose the assessment results.
Article 8 (Related Party Transactions)
- When a Director engages in any competitive transaction and/or conflicting interest transaction, the Company, pursuant to laws and regulations, shall obtain an approval of the Board of Directors for such transaction and report its important facts to the Board of Directors after the completion of the transaction.
- The Company shall disclose related-party transactions pursuant to laws and regulations and report material related-party transactions to the Board of Directors. The Company shall also have a regular inspection every year on whether or not Directors, Audit and Supervisory Board Members, operating officers or their relatives within the second degree of kinship have any related-party transaction with the Company.
Article 9 (Role of the Audit and Supervisory Board Members and Audit and Supervisory Board)
- The Audit and Supervisory Board and its members shall supervise Directors’ performance of their duties from a standpoint that is independent from the Board of Directors, in accordance with its auditing standards.
- In selecting the Accounting Auditor, the Audit and Supervisory Board shall establish standards to appropriately evaluate candidates for the Accounting Auditor and shall confirm, after the selection, that the appointed Accounting Auditor maintains independence and professionalism.
Article 10 (Composition of the Audit and Supervisory Board)
The Audit and Supervisory Board shall be comprised of members with the right mix of knowledge, experience and competence, regardless of gender, nationality or age. The number of Audit and Supervisory Board Members shall be no more than 15 as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, and at least half the members shall be Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Members.
Article 11 (Policy and Procedures for Appointing Audit and Supervisory Board Members)
Candidates for the Audit and Supervisory Board Members shall be well-versed in the Company’s business or have knowledge of key areas, including financing, accounting and legal affairs, or abundant experience of business management. Based on these points and the conditions set forth in the preceding article, the candidates shall be nominated by the President of the Company and approved by the Board of Directors with the consent of the Audit and Supervisory Board as well as appropriate involvement and advice of Independent Outside Directors in the Governance Committee.
Article 12 (Role of the Accounting Auditor)
The Accounting Auditor shall be independent and have professional competence to ensure the reliability of the Company’s financial reporting.
Article 13 (Policy and Procedures for Appointing Operating Officers)
Operating officers shall, regardless of gender, nationality and age, be well-versed in the company’s business and determined to be qualified to execute important business matters. The candidates for operating officers shall be nominated by the President of the Company and approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 14 (Policy and Procedures for Determining Compensation of Directors, etc.)
- Compensation of Directors is comprised of base compensation and bonus. The base compensation is paid according to their titles, etc. under fixed payment schemes which are respectively set for inside and outside Directors. The bonus is paid under a performance-based payment scheme which reflects the target management indices defined in the management plan, etc.
- The Compensation of Directors shall be within the amount resolved by the General Meeting of Shareholders and determined by the Board of Directors with appropriate involvement and advice of Independent Outside Directors in the Governance Committee.
- Compensation of Audit and Supervisory Board Members consists of base compensation and bonus and shall be determined within the amount resolved by the General Meeting of Shareholders, through discussion among the Audit and Supervisory Board Members.
- Compensation of operating officers shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Article 15 (Education and Training of Directors, etc.)
The Company shall provide Directors, Audit and Supervisory Board Members and operating officers, upon their appointment, with training opportunities as necessary, and shall provide Outside Directors and Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Members, upon their appointment, with briefing on the Company’s business, finance, organization, etc. The Company shall also provide them, after their assumption of office, with opportunities to acquire necessary knowledge to perform their duties and responsibilities, including external training programs with financial support by the Company.
Chapter 3. Relationships with Stakeholders
Article 16 (Relationships with Stakeholders)
- The Company understands that cooperation with its stakeholders is essential for achieving a continuous growth and increasing its corporate value over the mid- to long-term, and that its key stakeholders are customers, business partners, shareholders, investors, employees, local communities and the global environment. The Company shall implement the Toyo Seikan Group CSR Policy, which is separately established to describe how to manage relationships with key stakeholders.
- The Company shall seek to create an environment where employees with diverse values, regardless of gender, nationality and age, can demonstrate their skills, as well as a workplace that drives the advancement of women.
- The Company shall establish an external hotline system independent from management to enable employees to report information about illegal or inappropriate activities without fear of suffering from disadvantageous treatment. The Board of Directors shall supervise the operation of the system.
Article 17 (General Meeting of Shareholders)
The Company understands that the General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest decision-making body and a forum for constructive dialogue with shareholders. The Company shall maintain an environment where shareholders can appropriately execute their voting rights, securing a sufficient time for their execution.
Article 18 (Capital Management Policy)
- For achieving a continuous growth and increasing corporate value over the mid- to long-term, the capital management measures of the Company shall focus on the right balance of ensuring financial soundness, improving capital efficiency and increasing shareholders return.
- When the Company conducts a fundraising that causes a significant dilution of shareholders' interests, it shall examine the necessity and rationality of the fundraising at the Board of Directors meeting so as not to unfairly harm the interests of existing shareholders, and shall give them an adequate explanation.
Article 19 (Strategic Shareholding Policy)
- The Company engages in so-called “strategic-shareholding”, including cross-shareholding, for the purpose of maintaining and strengthening the trust of various stakeholders of the Company and stable and long-lasting relationships with its business partners. The appropriateness of the strategic-shareholding shall be individually examined for each case by the Board of Directors every year, verifying whether the purpose of holding is appropriate and whether the benefit and risk from the holding are reasonable for the capital cost. If the Board concludes, as a result of the examination, that there is little significance in strategic-holding of certain shares in light of its purpose, the Company will consider the unwinding of such holdings.
- In exercising the voting rights pertaining to strategically-held shares, the Company shall scrutinize management policies and strategies and other factors of issuing companies with comprehensive consideration of the common interests of shareholders and the potential impact on the Group. If a proposal that could lead to any loss of corporate value and shareholder value of the Company is submitted to the shareholders meeting of an issuing company, the Company shall not vote for the proposal whether or not the proposal is made by the company or a shareholder.
Article 20 (Takeover Defense Measures)
- The Company believes that any party who would make a large-scale acquisition of its shares that does not contribute to the corporate value of the Company or the common interests of its shareholders would be inappropriate to control decisions on the Company’s financial and business policies. It shall formulate a takeover defense plan, including necessary and reasonable countermeasures against large-scale acquisition, to protect its corporate value and the common interests of its shareholders.
- The takeover defense measures are not intended to protect the interests of management and the Board of Directors.
Article 21 (Ensuring Appropriate Disclosure and Transparency)
In addition to appropriate disclosure pursuant to laws and regulations, the Company shall strive to disclose its financial information, including business performance, and non-financial information, including its management philosophy and management plans, in a timely and appropriate manner from the viewpoint of achieving effective corporate governance through ensuring the transparency and fairness of management.
Article 22 (Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors)
The Company shall separately formulate the “IR Policy” with the understanding that constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors should contribute to achieving a continuous growth and increasing corporate value over the mid- to long-term.
Chapter 4: Miscellaneous
Article 23
This Policy shall be revised or abolished by a resolution of the Board of Directors; provided that a minor revision may be made at the discretion of the general manager of General Affairs Department.