The management philosophy of Toyo Seikan Group states that we will constantly create new and innovative values, aspire to achieve a sustainable society and contribute to people's happiness. For achieving a sustainable society, addressing climate change is one of the most important issues of business management. Based on this understanding, we have identified material issues for us to address (the Group's Materiality) in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals, and are working on solving the issues through our operations.
We plan to officially announce our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)* in July 2021. We will conduct a scenario analysis to identify climate-related risks and opportunities and a qualitative and quantitative assessment of business impact based on the results of our climate-related risk materiality assessment.
Going forward, we will continue to examine how to manage the risks and take advantage of the opportunities while improving the accuracy of our scenario analysis. We will also continue to promote management for sustainability through our business activities, aiming to implement our philosophy.
With respect to the progress of our climate-related initiatives, the relevant information will be disclosed in the integrated report to be issued by the end of the current fiscal year (March 2022) and through our website and other media.
* TCFD is a task force established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of the Group of Twenty (G20) to discuss how climate-related information should be disclosed and how financial institutions should respond to matters associated with climate change. In June 2017, TCFD published its recommendations for companies to disclose information on their climate-related activities.