Open Up!
Products and Services
Toyo Seikan Group is creating products that support various lifestyles and products that are environmentally sound through the latest technology.
We will introduce products that utilize various technologies.
Regarding the product and services that correspond to the material issues of Toyo Seikan Group̶“Developing and offering products and services that support various lifestyles” and “Developing and offering products and services that are environmentally sound”̶ products and services from among the Groupʼs offerings have been selected as Open Up! Products & Services by the Group Sustainability Committee.
Products and services that support various lifestyles
Developing and offering products and services that are environmentally sound
Engineering,Filling,Logistics Article List
Dry Shampoo
Toyo Aerosol Industry Co., Ltd.
aluminum Toyo ULtimate Can (aTULC) Compact Canmaking Line+Ultimate-lightweight cans
Toyo Seikan Co., Ltd.
Toyo Seikan Co., Ltd.